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contoh kalimat ottoman architecture

"ottoman architecture" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Hotels in Istanbul Ottoman architecture Bülent Güng?r Arnold, Helen CNN Go.
    Arsitektur Utsmaniyah Hotel di Istanbul ^ Arnold, Helen CNN Go.
  • Ottoman architecture was influenced by Persian, Byzantine Greek and Islamic architectures.
    Arsitektur Utsmaniyah dipengaruhi oleh arsitektur Persia, Yunani Bizantium, dan Islam.
  • In the following centuries, and especially after the Tanzimat reforms, Ottoman architecture was supplanted by European styles.
    Dalam abad-abad selanjutnya, dan khususnya setelah reformasi Tanzimat, arsitektur Utsmaniyah digantikan oleh gaya-gaya Eropa.
  • Its design was traditional for Volga Bulgaria, although elements of early Renaissance and Ottoman architecture could have been used as well.
    Bentuknya tradisional untuk Volga Bulgaria, meskipun elemen Renaisans awal dan arsitektur Ottoman juga digunakan.
  • During the Rise period the early or first Ottoman architecture period, Ottoman art was in search of new ideas.
    Pada masa kebangkitan, muncul periode arsitektur Utsmaniyah awal atau pertama dan kesenian Utsmaniyah sedang dalam tahap pencarian ide-ide baru.
  • Overall, Ottoman architecture has been described as Byzantine influenced architecture synthesized with architectural traditions of Central Asia and the Middle East.
    Secara keseluruhan, arsitektur Utsmaniyah dideskripsikan sebagai arsitektur Bizantium yang dipadukan dengan tradisi-tradisi arsitektural Mediterania dan Timur Tengah.
  • Ottoman architecture is the architecture of the Ottoman Empire which emerged in Bursa and Edirne in 14th and 15th centuries.
    Arsitektur Utsmaniyah adalah arsitektur Kesultanan Utsmaniyah (Kekaisaran Ottoman) yang bermunculan di Bursa dan Edirne pada abad ke-14 dan ke-15.
  • The design contains eclectic elements from the Baroque, Rococo and Neoclassical styles, blended with traditional Ottoman architecture to create a new synthesis.
    Desainnya mengandung elemen eklektik dari gaya Barok, Rococo, dan Neoklasik, berpadu dengan arsitektur tradisional Ottoman untuk menciptakan sintesis baru.
  • He is considered the greatest architect of the classical period of Ottoman architecture and has been compared to Michelangelo, his contemporary in the West.
    Dia dianggap sebagai arsitek terbesar dari periode klasik arsitektur Ottoman, dan telah dibandingkan dengan Michelangelo, yang kontemporer di Barat.
  • Besides the mosque, it is also possible to find good examples of Ottoman architecture in soup kitchens, theological schools, hospitals, Turkish baths and tombs.
    Selain masjid, contoh sempurna arsitektur Utsmaniyah dapat ditemukan di dapur sup, sekolah teologi, rumah sakit, pemandian Turki, dan pemakaman.
  • A monument was built by Murad I's son Bayezid I at the tomb, becoming the first example of Ottoman architecture in the Kosovo territory.
    Sebuah monumen dibangun oleh Bayezid I putranya di Makam Sultan Murad di Polje Kosovo, menjadi contoh pertama arsitektur Utsmaniyah di wilayah Kosovo.
  • Istanbul is primarily known for its Byzantine and Ottoman architecture, but its buildings reflect the various peoples and empires that have previously ruled the city.
    Istanbul terutama dikenal karena arsitekturnya yang berasal dari era Bizantium dan Utsmaniyah, namun bangunan-bangunannya mencerminkan berbagai bangsa dan kerajaan yang pernah memerintah kota ini.
  • The nine well-known members of the family served six sultans in the course of almost a century and played an important role in the Westernization of Ottoman architecture during the Tanzimat period.
    Sembilan anggota terkenal dari keluarga tersebut melayani enam sultan selama seabad dan memainkan peran berpengaruh dalam Westernisasi arsitektur Utsmaniyah pada periode Tanzimat.
  • Among the oldest surviving examples of Ottoman architecture in Istanbul are the Anadoluhisar? and Rumelihisar? fortresses, which assisted the Ottomans during their siege of the city.
    Di antara berbagai contoh arsitektur Utsmaniyah tertua yang masih terlestarikan di Istanbul terdapat benteng Anadoluhisar? dan Rumelihisar?, yang telah membantu kaum Utsmaniyah selama pengepungan mereka atas kota ini.
  • Examples of Ottoman architecture of the classical period, besides Istanbul and Edirne, can also be seen in Egypt, Eritrea, Tunisia, Algiers, the Balkans and Romania, where mosques, bridges, fountains and schools were built.
    Contoh arsitektur Utsmaniyah dari periode klasik selain Istanbul dan Edirne juga dapat ditemukan di Mesir, Eritrea, Tunisia, Algiers, Balkan, dan Rumania.
  • Examples of Ottoman architecture of the classical period, seen in the famous centres of Constantinople and Edirne, were also seen in the territory of present-day southern Hungary, where mosques, bridges, fountains, baths and schools were built.
    Beberapa contoh arsitektur Utsmaniyah pada zaman klasik, yang dapat ditemukan di pusat-pusat terkenal di Konstantinopel dan Edirne, pada hari ini juga dapat dilihat di negara Hongaria, di mana masjid, jembatan, air mancur, tempat pemandian dan sekolah telah dibangun.