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contoh kalimat paris

"paris" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Paris to Marseilles across the Mediterranean to Oran.
    "Dari Paris ke Marseilles..." "melintasi Mediterran menuju Oran."
  • Wednesday, Thursday at the latest, they'll be in Paris.
    Rabu, kamis, mereka akan sampai di Paris.
  • I live here. I was born in Paris.
    Aku tinggal di sini. Aku lahir di Paris.
  • Rochefort isn't Paris, and I haven't adapted yet.
    Rochefort tidak Paris, dan saya belum disesuaikan belum.
  • I plan to go to Paris next week.
    Saya berencana untuk pergi ke Paris minggu depan.
  • It was because of her that I left Paris.
    Itu karena dia bahwa saya meninggalkan Paris.
  • Your mother, Yvonne, said you were going to Paris.
    Ibumu, Yvonne, bilang kau pergi ke Paris.
  • Paris is liberated, and French troops lead the way.
    Paris dibebaskan, dan pasukan Perancis yang memimpin.
  • Wide panoramic over Paris lit up at night.
    Wide panorama di Paris menyala di malam hari.
  • The camera pans over the night life of Paris.
    Para panci kamera selama kehidupan malam Paris.
  • I am Paris, and I am a string of beads.
    Aku Paris, dan aku serangkaian manik2.
  • From Paris, we traveled through the Alps to Budapest.
    Dari "Paris", kami lewat "Alpen" menuju "Budapest".
  • Have any idea where we are, Mr. Paris?
    Kau tahu kita berada di mana, Tuan Paris?
  • Can you identify the source of the wave?
    Tuan Paris, bisakah kau identifikasi sumber gelombang itu?
  • I see you've moved up in the world, Paris.
    Aku melihatmu sudah terkenal di dunia, Paris.
  • We need to find some people in Paris.
    We need to find some people in Paris.
  • I've got 40 students going to Paris.
    Aku memimpin 40 murid yang akan terbang ke Paris.
  • I think our Knight is for certain, a Parisian.
    Aku pikir ksatria sebagian besar orang Paris.
  • Which is definitely within the driving range of Paris.
    Dimana masih dalam jangkauan mengemudi dari Paris.
  • You have yourself a great time in Paris.
    Anda memiliki sendiri waktu yang besar di Paris.
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