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contoh kalimat pekerja keras

"pekerja keras" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • They were just hardworking boys that was foolish.
    Mereka hanya... hanya pekerja keras yang agak bodoh.
  • So, I hear you are serious and hard-working?
    Jadi, saya mendengar anda serius dan pekerja keras?
  • I could use a man like that, a hardworking man,
    Pekerja keras seperti itu, bisa kumanfaatkan.
  • Guys worked hard-- Did what they were told.
    Mereka pekerja keras. Melakukan apa yang di suruh.
  • Even if she's a whore, she works hard.
    Bahkan jika dia seorang pelacur, dia pekerja keras.
  • The sight of you working hard makes me happy.
    Kau menyenangkan dan pekerja keras. membuatku bahagia
  • I'm a real hard worker. I'm disciplined. Keep to myself.
    Aku pekerja keras, disiplin, dan jujur
  • I know you're hard at work over there.
    Aku tahu kau pekerja keras. Aku tidak menghakimi.
  • She is wise, hard-working, and a good businesswoman.
    Dia dikenal pintar, pekerja keras, dan wanita mandiri.
  • Nobody's more honest and hardworking than us.
    Tak ada yang lebih jujur dan pekerja keras dari kami.
  • I loved your parents, real, authentic, hard-working people.
    Aku mencintai orang tuamu. Nyata, tulus, seorang pekerja keras.
  • I'm a really hard worker with some fresh ideas,
    Aku pekerja keras dengan beberapa ide yang baru..
  • She said he's kind hearted and hardworking.
    Unnie bilang dia baik hati dan pekerja keras.
  • "Jess is a hard worker, honest and prompt.
    "Jess seorang pekerja keras, jujur dan gesit.
  • He's hard working... and good at what he does.
    Dia pekerja keras, dan fokus pada yang dikerjakannya.
  • According to his colleagues, Hillenburg was "a perfectionist workaholic".
    Berdasarkan koleganya, Hillenburg adalah "seorang pekerja keras perfeksionis."
  • This is the hardworking scientist under harsh conditions.
    Inilah ilmuwan pekerja keras yang berada dalam kondisi yang sulit.
  • A hard worker, can't get a job.
    Seorang pekerja keras, tidak bisa mendapatkan pekerjaan.
  • I'm only a reporter, but I'm hardworking
    Aku hanya reporter. Tapi aku pekerja keras.
  • I think we got a picture of a guy, nice, hardworking fella.
    Gambar seorang pria, tampan, pekerja keras.
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