contoh kalimat reus airport
- ? Reus Airport (Tarragona) - 210 km
? Blagnac Airport (Toulouse) - 196 km - Alboran Arysal Apts Hotel offers a quick access to Reus airport, which is about 15 minutes' drive away.
ALBORAN ARYSAL APTS HOTEL, SALOU - Book Hotel Online - The bus service to Reus Airport leaves from the bus terminal at Barcelona Sants station. You can reach Sants station by metro on L3 and L5.
Layanan bus ke Reus daun dari terminal bus di stasiun Barcelona Sants. Anda dapat mencapai stasiun Sants oleh metro di L3 dan L5. - The Port of Tarragona is one of the largest in the Mediterranean. Tarragona also has high-speed Train (AVE, 2 hours from Madrid) and Reus Airport.
Pelabuhan Tarragona adalah salah satu yang terbesar di Mediterania. Tarragona juga memiliki Kecepatan tinggi ??kereta api (AVE, 2 jam dari Madrid) dan Bandara Reus.