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contoh kalimat the room

"the room" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • The room is a theatre. It changes colors.
    Ruangan ini adalah teater. Ruangan ini berganti warna.
  • Or do I smell some doubt in the room?
    Ataukah saya mencium keraguan di ruangan ini?
  • A few energy geeks spread out across the room.
    Beberapa penggemar energi ada di ruangan ini.
  • It was looking for the room with someone inside.
    Sedang mencari ruang dengan seseorang di dalam.
  • Why should I give the room to your sort?
    Mengapa gue harus memberikan ruang semacam Anda?
  • One of the assistant nuns who cleaned the room.
    Salah satu asisten suster yang membersihkan ruangan.
  • He staying with you in the room tonight?
    Dia tinggal dengan Anda di ruang malam ini?
  • There's a crazy woman in one of the rooms.
    Ada wanita gila di salah satu kamar.
  • I assure you, there is no problem with the room.
    Kujamin, tak ada masalah dengan ruangannya.
  • So tomorrow I put them all up all over the room.
    Besok akan kutempel memenuhi ruangan.
  • I got the room in the back for ya's.
    Aku punya kamar di belakang untuk ya.
  • She sleeps in the room next to Fletcher's down the hall.
    Dia Tidur disamping kamar Fletcher.
  • They're all over the room mainly on the desk.
    Sidik jarinya memenuhi ruangan... terutama di meja.
  • I didn't design the room.
    Bukan aku yang merancang ruang ini. Aku hanya bekerja di sini.
  • Since I don't want to stay in the room,
    Karena saya tidak mau tinggal di ruangan,
  • That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
    Karpetnya cocok dengan ruangan, benar kan?
  • Everyone out of the room for five minutes.
    Semua orang keluar dari ruangan selama lima menit.
  • WPC Walsh, kindly escort the minor from the room.
    WPC Walsh, silakan mengawal kecil dari ruangan.
  • (Officer) Seal the building and search all the rooms.
    (Officer) Seal gedung dan mencari semua kamar.
  • This is the only honest man in the room.
    Hanya dia pria jujur di ruangan inii.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3