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contoh kalimat toko minuman keras

"toko minuman keras" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • You go to the liquor store, pick it up.
    Anda pergi ke toko minuman keras, mengambilnya.
  • When did you steal a deer liquor store?
    Kapan kau mencuri seekor rusa toko minuman keras?
  • Kelvin Nico just knocked over a liquor store.
    Kelvin Nico baru saja merampok toko minuman keras.
  • They're cracking down on fakes at the liquor store.
    Mereka menindak palsu di toko minuman keras.
  • The crips are raiding the liquor store.
    Para orang cacat itu merampok toko minuman keras.
  • There's too many foreigners own liquor stores.
    Ada banyak orang asing pemilik toko minuman keras.
  • Yes, ever since we had the liquor shop.
    Ya, sejak kami punya toko minuman keras.
  • Aliens landed and knocked over a liquor store?
    Aliens mendarat dan menabrak toko minuman keras?
  • So was the man who owned the local liquor store.
    begitu juga pemilik toko minuman keras disana.
  • What are you doing in a liquor store anyway?
    Apa yang kau lakukan di toko minuman keras?
  • I'd say stop at the liquor store.
    Saya akan mengatakan berhenti di toko minuman keras.
  • Buckshot. Holding up a liquor store.
    Aku tertembak di sebuah perampokan di toko minuman keras.
  • Then I went to a liquor store.
    Lalu aku pergi ke toko minuman keras.
  • Melvin think he can drink a whole liquor store.
    Melvin pikir dia bisa minum semua toko minuman keras.
  • Without us, you'd still be kicking down liquor stores.
    Tanpa kami, kau masih akan di toko minuman keras.
  • I think we ought to knock over a liquor store.
    Aku pikir kita harus pergi ke toko minuman keras.
  • Hell-Cat Maggie, she tried to open her own grog shop.
    Hell-Cat Maggie, dia coba membuka toko minuman keras sendiri.
  • The guy I bought it from at the liquor store.
    Orang itu saya beli dari di toko minuman keras.
  • You know that another liquor store in the next town?
    Kamu tahu toko minuman keras lain di kota berikutnya?
  • Calling all cars, there liquor store robbery in Chester.
    Memanggil semua mobil, ada perampokan toko minuman keras di Chester.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3