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contoh kalimat boom

"boom" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Says the playboy billionaire who makes things go boom
    "Orang Kaya Genit" ! Akan "Beraksi" kembali.
  • Mama met Dad in Goa and boom boom
    Ibu ketemu Ayah di Goa dan boom boom
  • Mama met Dad in Goa and boom boom
    Ibu ketemu Ayah di Goa dan boom boom
  • Package will deploy in three, two, one, boom.
    Paket akan diturunkan dalam tiga, dua, satu, boom.
  • They never got it back, and then... boom.
    Mereka tidak pernah mendapatkannya kembali, dan kemudian... boom.
  • They got Bone Crusher, Boom Boom, Sugar Ray.
    Ada Sang Penghancur Tulang, Boom Boom, Sugar Ray.
  • They got Bone Crusher, Boom Boom, Sugar Ray.
    Ada Sang Penghancur Tulang, Boom Boom, Sugar Ray.
  • At least while there still was business to boom.
    Setidaknya masih ada bisnis yang berkembang pesat.
  • My first movie as studio head, and boom!
    Sebagai Kepala Studio di film bertamaku dan boom!
  • And I was kicking you from the inside boom boom
    Dan aku menendang perutmu dari dalam.
  • And I was kicking you from the inside boom boom
    Dan aku menendang perutmu dari dalam.
  • Wired to go boom if you tamper with it.
    Dipasang agar meledak jika kau sembarangan membukanya.
  • They were playing Louis Armstrong on a boom box.
    Mereka memainkan Louis Armstrong di CD player.
  • You reach a certain age, boom. You're latched to that person.
    Kau mencapai usia tertentu, boom.
  • Boom problem solved, but failure of main radio transmitter.
    Boom masalah dipecahkan, tetapi kegagalan pemancar radio utama.
  • All she had to do was see the word "banker." Boom.
    Semua ia lakukan adalah melihat kata"bankir."Boom.
  • What they described sounds more like a sonic boom.
    Menurut mereka suara gaduh terdengar seperti bom sonik.
  • That boom of theirs will blow them up.
    Bahwa ledakan itu akan menghancurkan mereka semua.
  • Each puts some iron to his head and boom!
    Masing-masing mereka menodongkan pistolnya dan 'dor'!
  • And it's Like I just thought, Like, boom!
    Dan hal ini seperti... Aku berpikir...seperti boom!
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