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contoh kalimat dire

"dire" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Aw, they're so close, finishing each others' dire warnings.
    Aw, mereka sangat dekat, menghabisi satu sama lain.
  • Release me now or you must face the dire consequences
    Releasesayasekarangataukauharus menghadapi konsekuensi mengerikan
  • Eat the ice-cream and you'll face dire consequences.
    Makan es krim dan Anda akan menghadapi konsekuensi mengerikan. mengerti?
  • The Great Child and the Dire Mother.
    The Great Child and the Dire Mother.
  • He only comes when it's of dire consequence.
    Dia hanya datang ketika ada peristiwa mengerikan yg akan terjadi.
  • Well, Wednesday then. We are in dire need of Siberian tiger offspring's.
    Kami perlu mengembangbiakkan harimau Siberian ini.
  • Caleb, why don't you check out the dire wolf?
    Caleb, kenapa kau tidak melihat serigala yang mengerikan itu?
  • Dire moments, last good-byes, your kisses dance like fireflies.
    ... ...ciumanmu menari bagai kunang-kunang.
  • Do you realize how dire our situation is right now?
    Apakah kamu menyadari betapa mengerikan situasi kita sekarang?
  • Considering the dire circumstances, the government's agreed to a favor.
    Mengingat pentingnya keadaan , pemerintah setuju membantu .
  • I was 16 years old, and our circumstances were dire.
    Aku baru 16 tahun, dan kondisinya begitu mengerikan.
  • "...surrender by daybreak or face dire consequences"
    "Menyerahlah saat subuh atau hadapilah konsekuensi mengerikan"
  • The situation they report there is, well, dire.
    Situasi yang dilaporkan disana adalah mengerikan.
  • Apparently, you guys are in dire need of a new computer lab.
    Rupanya, kalian takut punya komputer lab baru.
  • We're learning the dire cost to civilization when diplomacy fails.
    Kita belajar nilai peradaban yang mengerikan, ketika diplomasi gagal.
  • It's a replica of a dire wolf's tooth.
    Ini replika gigi serigala besar.
  • In fact, I'd say the prognosis isn't nearly as dire as it seems.
    Malahan, ramalan hampir tidak tepat kengeriannya.
  • It's a dire situation, but let's wait for the results.
    Walaupun keadaan sekarang mendesak, tapi kita masih perlu menunggu.
  • Some dire news brought by Mary's brother James?
    Beberapa orang mengatakan bahwa karena berita oleh James saudara Maria membawa?
  • Dire mischance the day she wedded me.
    Dire sudah sial waktu ia menikahiku.
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