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contoh kalimat garis

"garis" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Your forehead has the lines that mine doesn't.
    keningmu telah memiliki garis yang mana aku tidak
  • To check the lines Dressed like a Kraut
    Untuk memeriksa garis depan dengan berpakaian seperti jerman
  • And you were on the line the whole time?
    Dan kau di garis depan sepanjang waktu?
  • Deva crossed the line before he bowled the ball.
    Deva melewati garis sebelum dia melempar bola.
  • So you got back from behind enemy lines, huh?
    Kau sudah kembali dari garis pertahanan musuh?
  • Couldn't even tow that across the finish line.
    Tidak bisa bahkan derek yang melintasi garis finish.
  • Hey, we are at the 10-yard line here, men.
    Kita di garis 10 yard di sini.
  • See that guy step over with his left foot?
    Pria itu melewati garis menggunakan kaki kiri?
  • I see you got a new stripe there.
    Aku melihat kau ada garis baru di sana.
  • You could almost draw a line through her life.
    Kau hampir membuat satu garis dalam hidupnya.
  • Data's on backup power supply.
    System pembacaan di garis merah. Data itu pada pasokan daya cadangan.
  • Yeah. Four in-line cylinders, 42 and a half horsepower.
    4 garis silinder 42 dan setengah kekuatan.
  • My friend drive the food. - Mr. Navorski, behind the yellow line.
    di belakang garis kuning.
  • I'd say we're at the end of the line.
    Aku bilang kita berada di akhir garis.
  • Your black-and-white stripes, they cancel each other out. You're nothing!
    Dasar garis hitam-putih, kau bukan siapa-siapa!
  • Away from the counter-flow, on to the sand flies?
    Menjauh dari garis pantai, pada lalat pasir?
  • I want you down at that finish line.
    Aku ingin kamu turun pada garis finish Sign.
  • The only line around here is the blue line.
    Satu-satunya pembatas di sini hanyalah garis biru.
  • Do we have a bottom line here, Abs?
    Apakah kita memiliki garis bawah di sini, Abs?
  • They are the guardians of the royal bloodline.
    Mereka adalah pelindung garis darah sang raja kristus.
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