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contoh kalimat lope

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  • The same year he made five drawings for a procession in honour of the poet Francesc Vicent Garcia i Torres in Vallfogona de Riucorb, where this celebrated 17th-century writer and friend of Lope de Vega was the parish priest.
    Pada tahun yang sama, ia membuat lima rancangan prosesi penghormatan kepada penyair Francesc Vicent Garcia i Torres di Vallfogona de Riucorb, tempat penulis abad ke-17 dan sahabat Lope de Vega ini menjadi pendeta paroki.
  • loped bushland site in Shortland. As enrolments grew, the University embarked on a major building program and redeveloped the Shortland site into the Callaghan campus, named for Sir Bede Callaghan, foundation member of the University council and chancellor from 1977 to 1988.
    situs belukar melompat-lompat di Shortland. Sebagai pendaftaran tumbuh, Universitas memulai program pembangunan utama dan dipugar situs Shortland ke kampus Callaghan, dinamai Sir Bede Callaghan, anggota yayasan dewan Universitas dan rektor dari 1977 untuk 1988.
  • Drexler also received a Goya Award in 2010 with the song "Que El Soneto Nos Tome Por Sorpresa", written for the Spanish film Lope; the same year he was named Commander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic for his musical contributions.
    Drexler juga meraih sebuah Penghargaan Goya pada 2010 dengan lagu "Que El Soneto Nos Tome Por Sorpresa", yang ditulis untuk film Spanyol Lope; pada tahun yang sama, ia dianugerahi gelar Komandan Ordo Isabella orang Katolik untuk jasa-jasa musikal-nya.
  • The awards were established in 1987, a year after the founding of the Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences, and the first awards ceremony took place on March 16, 1987 at the Teatro Lope de Vega, Madrid.
    Penghargaan tersebut didirikan pada 1987, setahun setelah pendirian Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas de Espa?a (Akademi Seni Rupa dan Ilmu Sinematik Spanyol), dan acara penghargaan pertama diadakan pada 16 Maret 1987 di Teatro Lope de Vega, Madrid. ^ "Goya Awards's blog".
  • His earliest years were passed in the monastery of Siresa, learning to read and write and to practice the military arts under the tutelage of Lope Garcés the Pilgrim, who was repaid for his services by his former charge with the county of Pedrola when Alfonso came to the throne.
    Awal-awal tahunnya dilalui di dalam biara Siresa, belajar membaca dan menulis dan berlatih seni militer di bawah bimbingan peziarah Lope Garcés, yang dibayar jasanya oleh mantan atasannya dengan provinsi Pedrola ketika Alifonso bertakhta.
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