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contoh kalimat spot on

"spot on" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Pick a spot on the wall and look at it.
    Pilih satu titik di dinding dan lihat baik-baik.
  • You got a tiny little spot on your shirt.
    Ada sedikit noda di bajumu.
  • Someone decided to clean up a 12-inch spot on this carpet.
    Memutuskan bersandar tempat 12-inci di karpet ini.
  • You've got the black spot. On your head.
    Kau dapat tanda hitam di kepalamu.
  • You put your weak spot on the bottom.
    Kau tempatkan titik lemahnya di bawah.
  • It caused soft spots on the other side.
    Itu menyebabkan titik-lemah di Dunia sebelah.
  • Now jump on the spot on alternate legs.
    Sekarang melompatlah pada tanda kaki itu.
  • Are there no bright spots on the horizon, then?
    Apa tidak adakah titik terang di penjuru bumi, kemudian?
  • She was last spotted on the sixth floor.
    Terakhir dia berada di lantai enam.
  • I've already got my spot on the floor.
    Aku sudah menemukan tempatku di lantai.
  • No doubt you would have been spotted on radar.
    Pasti kau terdeteksi di radar.
  • All units, black pickup spotted on thruway eight miles
    Semua unit... di mil delapan
  • Can we kill the work lights, get a spot on this?
    Bisakah kita matikan lampunya, sorot pada ini?
  • See this little bald spot on my temple?
    Apa kau melihat kebotakan di pelipisku?
  • Master, how was my skill, pretty spot on, huh?
    Guru. Bagaimana kemampuanku? Ada kemajuan?
  • The IBM has been spot on up to this point, John.
    IBM sudah benar untuk hal ini, John.
  • And what brings you to the most landlocked spot on the map?
    Jadi, apa yang membuatmu terdampar di daratan?
  • Green Arrow spotted on 16th Avenue assaulting an officer.
    Green Arrow terlihat di jalan raya 16 menyerang seorang petugas.
  • Oh, bloody hell, it's spot on.
    Oh, neraka berdarah, itu adalah tempat di.
  • This boy was spotted on your bus.
    Anak ini ditemukan di bis kalian.
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