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contoh kalimat terbunuh

"terbunuh" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Stand over there and don't get me killed.
    Berdiri di sana dan jangan sampai aku terbunuh.
  • Where were you the night Barry Schickel was killed?
    Di mana Anda malam Barry Schickel terbunuh?
  • Master Sifo-Dyas was killed almost ten years ago.
    Master Sifo-Dyas terbunuh hampir 10 tahun yang lalu.
  • I was under the impression he was killed before that.
    Kupikir dia sudah terbunuh sebelum itu.
    Dengan caramu ini, dapat membuat kita terbunuh.
  • Thousands have been killed in the fighting or executed thereafter.
    Ribuan orang terbunuh dalam pertempuran tersebut.
  • Report that all the enemies were killed in battle.
    Laporkan bahwa semua musuh terbunuh dalam pertempuran.
  • Are you trying to get yourself killed, bitch?
    Apakah Anda mencoba untuk mendapatkan dirimu terbunuh, menyebalkan?
  • They either get bought off or they get killed.
    Mereka juga bisa dibeli atau mereka terbunuh.
  • You know you're gonna get killed in here, right?
    Kau tahu jika kau bisa terbunuh, kan?
  • Especially after that girl was killed and everything.
    Khususnya setelah gadis itu terbunuh dan segala sesuatunya.
  • He took it seriously enough to get himself killed.
    Dia menganggapnya terlalu serius hingga bisa terbunuh.
  • Your boy very well might have been one of them.
    Temanmu mungkin salah satu yang terbunuh.
  • Actually, no criminals have been killed so far.
    Sebenarnya, tak ada kriminal yang terbunuh sejauh ini.
  • If she's not here... she can't be killed.
    Jika dia tidak ada... dia tidak akan terbunuh.
  • You would have died if you couldn't... Wait, wait, wait.
    Kau bisa terbunuh kalau tidak sepertiku.
  • Belicoff's brother has just been found murdered.
    Adik Belicoff baru saja ditemukan terbunuh. Itu dia, Pak.
  • If you guys hadn't come, they would've killed me.
    Jika kau tidak datang, aku akan terbunuh.
  • You two assholes, you got that kid killed!
    Kalian berdua brengsek, kau buat anak itu terbunuh!
  • Get myself killed just talking to your mangy ass.
    Bicara denganmu hanya akan membuat diriku terbunuh.
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