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contoh kalimat the face

"the face" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • · Providing professional makeup artists with the 12 colors. The Face Paint Kit is suitable for any type of artistic makeup or special effects coloring
    · Menyediakan penata rias profesional dengan 12 warna. The Face Paint Kit cocok untuk semua jenis makeup artistik atau pewarna efek khusus
  • The grand prize was over $20,000 in cash and prizes for the winners as well as a 1-year contract as The Face Shop USA spokesmodel.
    Hadiah utama adalah lebih dari $20.000 dalam uang tunai dan hadiah bagi para pemenang serta kontrak 1 tahun sebagai The Face Shop USA spokesmodel.
  • Mini pine tree shaped brush fills up all eye brows without emptiness for fine and details brow make up finish.
    The Face Shop Designing Browcara memberikan tampilan wajah yang elegan, dengan berbagai jenis pilihan warna seperti blond brown, light brown, gray brown, brown dan dark brown dapat memberikan efek warna yang berbeda-beda.
  • Where two words are written in the construct state (for example, pene ha-mayim, "the face of the waters"), the first noun (nomen regens) invariably carries a conjunctive.
    Di mana dua kata yang tertulis dalam membangun negara (misalnya, pene ha-mayim, "the face of the waters"), yang pertama kata benda (nomen regens) selalu membawa penghubung.
  • 5. Height of the bowl is condign, a couple water bore supply is humanistic design, the Height and angle design is according to the proportion of the face.
    5. Ketinggian mangkuk adalah yg patut diberi, pasokan beberapa sumur bor adalah desain humanistik, the Height and angle design is according to the proportion of the face.
  • · Face Paint Crayon could providing professional makeup artists with the 12 colors. The Face Paint Kit is suitable for any type of artistic makeup or special effects coloring
    · Face Paint Crayon bisa menyediakan makeup artist profesional dengan 12 warna. The Face Paint Kit cocok untuk semua jenis makeup artistik atau pewarna efek khusus
  • · Face Paint Crayon could providing professional makeup artists with the 12 colors. The Face Paint Kit is suitable for any type of artistic makeup or special effects coloring
    · Face P aint C rayon bisa membuat seniman makeup profesional dengan 12 warna. The Face Paint Kit cocok untuk semua jenis makeup artistik atau pewarna efek khusus
  • The Face Shop products range from makeup, skin care, body and hair products; such as Hydro Splash BB Cream, Extreme Volume Mascara-Lash Stretch, Gel Eyeliner, and Natural Sun SPF 45.
    Produk The Face Shop terdiri dari makeup, perawatan kulit, tubuh dan produk rambut; seperti Hydro Splash BB Cream, Extreme Volume Mascara-Lash Stretch, Gel Eyeliner, dan Natural Sun SPF 45.
  • "The Face upon the Barroom Floor", aka "The Face on the Floor" and "The Face on the Barroom Floor", is a poem originally written by the poet John Henry Titus in 1872.
    "The Face upon the Barroom Floor", alias "The Face on the Floor" dan "The Face on the Barroom Floor", adalah sebuah puisi yang aslinya ditulis oleh penyair John Henry Titus pada 1872.
  • "The Face upon the Barroom Floor", aka "The Face on the Floor" and "The Face on the Barroom Floor", is a poem originally written by the poet John Henry Titus in 1872.
    "The Face upon the Barroom Floor", alias "The Face on the Floor" dan "The Face on the Barroom Floor", adalah sebuah puisi yang aslinya ditulis oleh penyair John Henry Titus pada 1872.
  • "The Face upon the Barroom Floor", aka "The Face on the Floor" and "The Face on the Barroom Floor", is a poem originally written by the poet John Henry Titus in 1872.
    "The Face upon the Barroom Floor", alias "The Face on the Floor" dan "The Face on the Barroom Floor", adalah sebuah puisi yang aslinya ditulis oleh penyair John Henry Titus pada 1872.
  • As the performance for the acoustic version of "Poker Face" ended, Gaga exited from the stage and a video interlude called "The Face" starts telling about Gaga's alternate persona Candy Warhol and teaching her to speak.
    Setelah penampilan versi akustik dari "Poker Face" berakhir, Gaga keluar dari panggung dan sebuah video interlude bertajuk "The Face" mulai memberitahu tentang persona alternatif Gaga yaitu Candy Warhol, yang mengajarkannya cara berbicara.
  • In August 2012, as part of Lotte Department Store's expansion programme into China, Skin Food was featured in a replica of Myeong-dong in its new store in Tianjin, along with Missha and The Face Shop.
    Pada Agustus 2012, sebagai bagian dari program ekspansi Lotte Department Store di China, Skin Food tampil dalam sebuah replika dari Myeong-dong di toko barunya di Tianjin, bersama dengan Missha dan The Face Shop.
  • When actress Verónica Castro was filming near where Rivera lived as a young woman, Castro and Rivera met and Castro suggested her to compete in "The Face of the Herald", a contest Rivera won in 1987.
    Ketika aktris Verónica Castro sedang ikut pemfilman didekat dimana Rivera tinggal pada masa lajang, Castro dan Rivera bertemu dan Castro membujuknya untuk berkompetisi dalam The Face of the Herald, sebuah kontes yang Rivera menangkan pada 1987.
  • The Face Mask Packing Machine all control is realized through sofeware,easy for function adjusting and technical upgrade.the mask packing machine Can be packaged in the inner ear with a mask and folding masks.Packaging Beautiful and less defective.
    The Face Mask Packing Machine semua kontrol diwujudkan melalui sofeware, mudah untuk penyesuaian fungsi dan upgrade teknis. Mesin kemasan masker Dapat dikemas dalam telinga bagian dalam dengan masker dan masker lipat. Kemasan Cantik dan kurang rusak .
  • Face Mask Packing Machine The Face Mask Packing Machine all control is realized through sofeware easy for function adjusting and technical upgrade the mask packing machine Can be packaged in the inner ear with a mask and folding masks Packaging...
    Mesin Packing Masker Wajah The Face Mask Packing Machine semua kontrol diwujudkan melalui sofeware, mudah untuk penyesuaian fungsi dan upgrade teknis. Mesin kemasan masker Dapat dikemas dalam telinga bagian dalam dengan masker dan masker lipat....
  • Women’s shopping is now made even more rewarding with our exclusive shopping deals, offers with discounts from top brands including Maybelline, Lakme, L’Oreal Paris, Nykaa Cosmetics, The Face Shop, M.A.C, Nivea, The Body Shop, Neutrogena, Clinique and many more.
    belanja perempuan kini dibuat lebih bermanfaat dengan penawaran belanja eksklusif kami, menawarkan dengan diskon dari merek atas termasuk Maybelline, Lakme, L'Oreal Paris, Nykaa Kosmetik, The Face Shop, MAC, Nivea, The Body Shop, Neutrogena, Clinique dan banyak lagi.
  • Product Features Washable children face paint stick with gifted color Face Paint Crayon could providing professional makeup artists with the 12 colors The Face Paint Kit is suitable for any type of artistic makeup or special effects coloring Safe...
    Fitur Produk Anak-anak yang bisa dicuci wajah cat tongkat dengan warna yang berbakat · Face Paint Crayon bisa menyediakan makeup artist profesional dengan 12 warna. The Face Paint Kit cocok untuk semua jenis makeup artistik atau pewarna efek khusus...
  • Product Features The Face Paint Kit is multi function Not just for the face but also for the Body Painting so anyone can use the Rainbow Face Paint Individual Face Paint will add fantastic and colorful painting so you don t have to worry about...
    Fitur Produk The Face Paint Kit multi-fungsi. Tidak hanya untuk wajah tetapi juga untuk Body Painting sehingga siapapun dapat menggunakan Rainbow Face Paint Individual Face Paint akan menambahkan lukisan yang fantastis dan berwarna-warni sehingga...
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