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contoh kalimat too high

"too high" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • But now that I know you way too high.
    Tapi karena sekarang aku mengenalmu itu terlalu tinggi.
  • Just please try not to get your hopes too high.
    Tolong jangan berharap terlalu tinggi.
  • The bad news is your return loss, way too high.
    Kabar buruknya adalah sinyal menjadi sangat lemah
  • For the boy that's probably too... high anyway.
    Untuk anak laki-laki itu mungkin terlalu ... tinggi pula.
  • Your expectations are too high.
    Aku hanya ingin kau sama baiknya dengan yang lain. Harapanmu terlalu tinggi.
  • Your price is too high. Let's wait for Dad.
    Harganya terlalu mahal, tunggu ayahku dulu.
  • And the potential for error is just too high.
    Potensi atas kesalahan bor terlalu tinggi.
  • I think I might have turned them up too high!
    Kurasa aku naikkan terlalu tinggi.
  • Your highness, your heels are too high for your age.
    Yang Mulia, hakmu terlalu tinggi untuk seusiamu.
  • These fort walls have become too high to scale.
    Dinding benteng istana ini menjadi sangat sulit ditembus.
  • The factory tint setting is always too high!
    The warna Pabrik Pengaturan selalu terlalu tinggi!
  • The cost of living in Paris was too high.
    Biaya hidup di Paris terlalu tinggi.
  • Blood pressure is too high for a woman your age.
    Tekanan darah terlalu tinggi untuk wanita seusiamu.
  • The stakes ave too high for you to stay home.
    Terlalu tinggi resiko jika kalian dia dirumah.
  • But the surrounding radiation level is too high.
    Tapi angka radiasi di sekitarnya terlalu tinggi.
  • No, those girls were too high. They don't remember anything.
    Mereka mabuk, takkan ingat apa-apa.
  • Careful it doesn't go too high, Paisley.
    Hati-hati itu tidak pergi terlalu tinggi, Paisley.
  • He was lifting his hole card way too high.
    Dia mengangkat kartu terlalu tinggi.
  • Careful, don't push him too high, too fast.
    Tapi jangan terlalu tinggi, terlalu cepat.
  • These roses might be a little too high.
    Mawar ini mungkin agak terlalu tinggi.
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