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contoh kalimat after

"after" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • I'm not so sure... after only one battle.
    Aku tidak begitu yakin... hanya setelah satu pertempuran.
  • And then I'll be as right as dodgers for this after.
    Kemudian aku akan segar setelahnya.
  • If they're not back soon I'll go there after work.
    Nanti sepulang kerja akan ku-cari mereka.
  • Jacqueline can look after them for a few days
    Jacqueline dapat menjaga mereka selama beberapa hari
  • You drive him and you pick him up after the job.
    Kau antar dan jemput dia.
  • Because after all, Don Vito, money isn't everything.
    Sebab lagi pula, Don Vito, uang bukanlah segalanya.
  • You don't need a contract deposit, right? The economy's tough, after all.
    Sejak situasi ekonomi sulit.
  • I've noticed how often you ask after her.
    Aku perhatikan seberapa sering kamu tanya setelah dia.
  • "When they're all chasing after the poor bloody fox.
    "Ketika mereka semua mengejar rubah berdarah miskin
  • There's no doubt about who he's after now.
    Tak diragukan lagi sekarang, Siapa yang Dia kejar.
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