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contoh kalimat arthur

"arthur" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "arthur" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Seems like you're looking for a particular girl, Arthur.
    Sepertinya kau sedang mencari gadis tertentu, Arthur.
  • When Arthur grew up, he called himself "Aquaman".
    Ketika Arthur tumbuh dewasa, dia menyebut dirinya "Aquaman".
  • The NKJV translation project was conceived by Arthur Farstad.
    Proyek penerjemahan NKJV dirintis oleh Arthur Farstad.
  • Pendragon was based on the legend of King Arthur.
    Stonehenge dikaitkan pula dengan legenda Raja Arthur.
  • Little is known of Arthur Ingram's early years.
    Sedikit yang diketahui dari kehidupan awal Henry Bratton.
  • There's a King Arthur element to the storyline, okay.
    Ada elemen King Arthur dalam jalan ceritanya, oke.
  • We were discussing air supremacy, Sir Arthur.
    Kita sedang membahas supremasi di udara, Sir Arthur.
  • Well, Arthur, looks like he bought you a drink after all!
    Oke, Arthur, tampaknya dia mentraktirmu minum!
  • Arthur, if you love me, don't breathe a word until
    Arthur, jika kau mencintaiku, jgn bernapas sampai
  • Arthur, I knew you wouldn't fail us.
    Arthur Aku tahu kau tidak akan gagal kami.
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