contoh kalimat bright red
- DL-H301ARB GaAlAs Super Bright Red Common Anode
DL-H301ARB GaAlas Merah Super Terang Anoda umum - Flameless Bright Red Box Small White Candle
Flameless Bright Red Box, Lilin Putih Kecil - Another bright red day
Hari merah cerah lain - 1) Bright red, sour and sweet with raw Chinese flavour
1) Merah terang, asam dan manis dengan rasa Cina mentah - Bright red electric bicycle 18 inch tyre Images & Photos
Sepeda motor merah terang 18 inci ban Foto & Foto - Felt in bright red, dark red and white (or other colors)
Terasa merah terang, merah tua dan putih (atau warna lain) - Bright Red Polyester Fluorescent Material Fabric , High Visibility Uniform Fabric
Terang Merah Poliester Bahan Bahan Neon, Kain Seragam Visibilitas Tinggi - The color is bright red, the surface is smooth, the flesh is very juicy.
Warnanya merah cerah, permukaannya halus, dagingnya sangat berair. - Maples, Bright Red Maple Trees. has many Maple Tree Pictures
Maples, Bright Red Maple Trees. memiliki banyak Gambar Maple Tree - Ring shaped tower structure, super bright red green blue LED strobe light
Struktur menara berbentuk cincin, lampu strobo merah super hijau terang
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