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contoh kalimat close to

"close to" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • You're not even close to getting out of here.
    Kau bahkan tidak bisa keluar dari sini.
  • Get too close to the sun, this is what happens.
    Terlalu dekat dengan matahari, inilah akibatnya
  • As you get close to it, it's almost like powder.
    Semakin dekat dengannya, kelihatan seperti tepung.
  • Being close to you, master... is much more profitable
    Dekat dengan anda, tuan... Jauh lebih menguntungkan
  • I'm sure you've been close to the Petrelli family.
    Aku yakin kau deket dengan keluarga Petrelli.
  • And you were just so close to making it, too, Paul.
    Padahal kau hampir berhasil, Paul.
  • We must be close to where they live.
    Kita pasti berada di dekat tempat tinggal mereka.
  • The location of the target is close to this building.
    Lokasi target dekat dengan gedung ini.
  • It'll be hard to get close to the warthogs.
    Akan sulit untuk mendapatkan dekat dengan warthogs.
  • "Don't Stand So Close to Me."
    "Don't Stand So Close to Me (jangan terlalu dekat denganku)."
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