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contoh kalimat decline

"decline" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • As trade collapsed, Portus Cale went into decline.
    Karena perdagangan runtuh, Portus Cale mengalami penurunan.
  • Another factor in Sriwijaya's decline was natural factors.
    Faktor lain kemunduran Sriwijaya adalah faktor alam.
  • After the decline of Koch power, Khaspur became independent.
    Setelah penurunan dari kekuatan Koch, Khaspur menjadi merdeka.
  • However, after Ham's death, interest in Quakerism declined.
    Namun, setelah kematian Ham, minat Quakerisme menurun.
  • However, Kemp's play began to decline significantly.
    Tetapi, permainan Kemp justru mulai turun secara drastis.
  • The amount of written material that he produced also declined.
    Jumlah tulisan yang ia buat juga menurun.
  • The population of the Czech lands declined by a third.
    Populasi wilayah-wilayah Ceko berkurang sepertiga.
  • The population of this bird appears to be declining.
    Sampai saat ini populasi burung punai cenderung menurun.
  • Similarly, a declining economy can lead to deflation.
    Mirip dengan ini, ekonomi yang merosot bisa mengakibatkan deflasi.
  • Dutch naval power had been in decline since 1712.
    Kekuasaan Denmark mulai berlaku sejak 1721).
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