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contoh kalimat eucharist

"eucharist" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • Calvin stated that Christ's body was present in the first Eucharist during the Last Supper, but was thereafter in heaven.
    Calvin menyatakan bahwa tubuh Kristus hadir dalam Ekaristi pertama saat Perjamuan Terakhir, dan setelah itu di surga.
  • Today, "the Eucharist" is the name still used by Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Anglicans, Presbyterians, and Lutherans.
    Sampai saat ini istilah "Ekaristi" masih digunakan di kalangan Ortodoks Timur, Ortodoks Oriental, Katolik, Anglikan, Presbiterian, dan Lutheran.
  • The offertory is the traditional moment in Roman Catholic Mass, Anglican Eucharist, and Lutheran Divine Services when alms are collected.
    Persembahan adalah bagian dari perayaan Misa Katolik Roma, ibadat Ekaristi Anglikan, dan kebaktian Lutheran manakala derma dikumpulkan.
  • Core Community in Ludwigslust, East Germany, United by the Eucharist ? Blog Archive? Congregation of the Sisters of Notre Dame
    Komunitas Inti di Ludwigslust, Jerman Timur, Disatukan oleh Ekaristi ? Blog Archive? Kongregasi Suster-suster Notre Dame
  • He was willing to sign the Augsburg Confession, but not the Concordat, which affirmed a bodily presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
    Ia mengakui Pengakuan Iman Augsburg, namun tidak dengan Konkordat, yang menyatakan kehadiran nyata Kristus dalam Ekaristi.
  • He also disagreed with the Lutheran view that Christ's body is ubiquitous and so physically present at the Eucharist.
    Ia juga tak sepakat dengan pandangan Lutheran bahwa tubuh Kristus ada di mana-mana dan sehingga secara fisik hadir di Ekaristi.
  • Liturgy of Preparation – the priest and deacon prepare the bread and wine for the Eucharist (see prosphora) at the Table of Oblation (Prothesis).
    Liturgi Persiapan—imam dan diakon mempersiapkan roti dan anggur untuk Ekaristi (lihat prosfora) di atas Protesis.
  • At the center of worship is the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) which we believe is the real presence of Christ.
    Di tengah-tengah ibadat adalah Sakramen Ekaristi Kudus (Perjamuan Kudus) yang kami percaya adalah kehadiran nyata Kristus.
  • At the center of worship is the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion) which we believe is the real presence of Christ.
    Di pusat ibadah teh Sacrament of Eucharist Suci (komuni Suci) anu kami yakin teh nyata ayana Kristus.
  • He also disagreed with the Anabaptist belief that the Eucharist is simply symbolic or figurative, a view called memorialism or tropism.
    Ia juga tak sepakat dengan keyakinan Anabaptis bahwa Ekaristi hanyalah simbolik atau figuratif, sebuah pandangan yang disebut memorialisme atau tropisme.
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