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contoh kalimat help but

"help but" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • For we have no help but thee
    ? For we have no help but thee
  • And he couldn't help but imagine her naked
    Dan ia tidak bisa membantu tapi membayangkan dia telanjang
  • I have to say, I can't help but be sceptical.
    Tak ada yang bisa kulakukan selain berharap.
  • We need to get help. But where are we going to go?
    Tapi kita kau ke mana?
  • I tried to help, but you don't listen.
    Aku mencoba menolongmu, tapi kau tidak mendengarkan!
  • I tried to get him help but nothing took.
    Aku mencoba membantunya tapi tidak berhasil.
  • Sorry, but I couldn't help but notice you.
    Maaf, tapi aku tidak bisa membantu tetapi melihat Anda.
  • You swamp rats, on the other hand, you just can't help but.
    Sedangkan kau, kau hanya bisa
  • He'll help, but we must remain invisible.
    Dia akan membantu, tapi kita harus tetap terlihat.
  • I couldn't help but wonder about us,
    Aku tak bisa membantu tapi terkagum mengenai kami.
  • lebih banyak contoh:   1  2  3