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contoh kalimat kelabu

"kelabu" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I don't have a gray wire.
    Tiada yang berwarna kelabu.
  • It's a shot of Grey Goose with a, uh, splash of water.
    Sully " Angsa Kelabu " Dengan ... Percikan air ..
  • And for 18 years, those 57 meters of concrete stayed grey.
    Dan selama 18 tahun, menara beton setinggi 57 meter itu berwarna kelabu.
  • We're friends of Gandalf.
    Kami teman Gandalf si Kelabu.
  • "A sad and somber funeral with the body still breathing. "
    "Sebuah pemakaman yg sedih dan kelabu... dgn tubuh yg masih bernafas. "
  • Small... Small... Just ash gray.
    Kecil kecil berwarna kelabu.
  • She's this wispy, gray shadow, but she never shows up on film.
    Dia bayangan kelabu tipis, tapi dia tak pernah muncul di film.
  • The red shale fades in intensity and thickness toward the south.
    Kolom abu teramati berwarna kelabu dengan intensitas tebal condong ke arah barat.
  • Grey new classic rattan furniture wicker couch sofa
    Kelabu baru rotan klasik perabot wicker sofa sofa
  • Stopsedin spray from gray hair, causes and elimination
    Stopsedin semburan dari rambut kelabu, penyebab dan penghapusan
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