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contoh kalimat nelson

"nelson" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  "nelson" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • Dr. Nelson, get these kids up top.
    Dr. Nelson, peroleh anak kambing ini atas teratas.
  • This has Nelson and Murdock written all over it.
    Nelson dan Murdock tertulis di atasnya.
  • Mr. Nelson, are you prepared to make your opening statement?
    Tn. Nelson, anda siap memberikan pernyataan pembuka?
  • Says Nelson and Murdock are his lawyers now.
    Katanya Nelson dan Murdock adalah pengacaranya sekarang.
  • To decide how to proceed with Nelson and Murdock.
    Memutuskan bagaimana menjalani Nelson dan Murdock.
  • No, I... I put you here, not Nelson.
    Aku yang memasukkanmu ke sini, bukan Nelson.
  • Nelson and Murdock was never just your job.
    Nelson dan Murdock tak hanya jadi pekerjaanmu.
  • How does "Hogarth, Chao, Benowitz and Nelson" sound?
    Bagaimana "Hogarth, Chao, Benowitz dan Nelson" terdengar?
  • The chairmen were Lester Cole and Gary Nelson.
    Ketuanya adalah Lester Cole dan Gary Nelson.
  • All songs written by Willie Nelson.
    Kecuali dua lagu seluruh lagu dibuat oleh Willie Nelson.
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