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contoh kalimat terbunuh

"terbunuh" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • If you don't kill, you will be killed
    Jika kau tidak membunuh, Maka kau akan terbunuh.
  • After they kill us, they can't torture us.
    Setelah kita terbunuh, mereka tidak dapat menyiksa kita.
  • This Dev will get me killed someday.
    Dev ini akan membuat aku terbunuh suatu hari nanti.
  • They bombed the Dutchman's boat and Yanispree was killed.
    Mereka bom kapal mereka dan Yanispree terbunuh.
  • He was trying to the night he was killed.
    Dia mencoba ke saat malam dia terbunuh.
  • She was killed because of the drugs! The envelope.
    Dia terbunuh karena obat itu, amplop itu.
  • When my sister was killed, a ju-on was born.
    Ketika kakakku terbunuh, sebuah ju-on telah lahir.
  • I don't want to hear that from you anyway.
    Dan banyak rakyat tak berdosa akan terbunuh
  • You never got over seeing your parents killed.
    Kau tak pernah melihat orang tua mu terbunuh.
  • They're talking about all the people killed by ETA.
    Mereka berkata semua orang terbunuh oleh ETA.
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