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"yg" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • If he was a major, he's a colonel now!
    Dia orang yg besar, dia kolonel sekarang!
  • Nobody said anything about locking horns with Tigers.
    Tak ada yg bilang bgm mengunci terompet Tiger.
  • Not some nut who takes on three Tigers!
    Tidak gila, siapa yg mau mengalahkan 3 Tiger!
  • About a year ago, when the headmaster came.
    Sekitar setahun yg lalu, ketika kepala kamp datang.
  • You really have got that famous Irish imagination.
    Kau sungguh telah mendapatkan imajinasi lrish yg terkenal.
  • You've killed two of them that I know of.
    Kau sdh membunuh dua orang yg kutahu.
  • I want the names of these two that escaped.
    Saya ingin 2 nama yg kabur. Maaf.
  • Wait a minute, What the hell am I doing?
    Tunggu sebentar, apa sih yg aku lakukan?
  • I'll shave her so close to skin- -That the blood flowing.
    Raderò begitu kawat yg berdarah.
  • Typhoid, tetanus, rabies. All known fatal diseases.
    Tifoid, tetanus, rabies ... semua penyakit fatal yg diketahui.
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