acid mineral artinya
- Black Goji Berry fruit is rich in protein, fat, sugar, free amino acid, organic acids, minerals, trace elements, alkaloids, vitamin C, B1, B2, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, lead, cobalt, nickel, cadmium, chromium, potassium, sodium and other nutrients.
Buah Goji Berry hitam kaya protein, lemak, gula, asam amino bebas, asam organik, mineral, elemen, alkaloid, vitamin C, B1, B2, kalsium, magnesium, tembaga, seng, mangan, besi, timbal, kobalt, nikel, kadmium, kromium, kalium, natrium dan nutrisi lainnya. - Procumin is enriched with various nutrient, such us 38 variants of bioflavonoid, multivitamin (vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, Provitamin A, E, D), Essential Oil, 16 Amino Acid, Mineral (Calcium, Selenium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Phospor) dan enzyms.
Procumin Habbatussauda kaya akan berbagai nutrisi yang dibutuhkan tubuh, seperti 38 jenis Bioflavonoids, Multivitamin (vitamin B1, B2, B6, C, Provitamin A, E, D), Essensial Oil, 16 Asam Amino, Mineral (Calcium, Selenium, Magnesium, Zat Besi, Zinc, Phospor) dan berbagai macam enzim. - Chicken, beef, rice, corn, high-quality cereals, refined animal fats, vegetable oils, dietary fibers, spirulina, fatty acids, organic calcium, amino acids, minerals, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, pantothenic acid calcium, niacin, natural condiment, protein zinc, protein manganese, protein iron, protein copper, taurine
Ayam, sapi, beras, jagung, sereal berkualitas tinggi, lemak hewani olahan, minyak nabati, serat makanan, spirulina, asam lemak, kalsium organik, asam amino, mineral, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, kalsium asam pantotenat, niacin bumbu alami, seng protein, protein mangan, protein besi, protein tembaga, taurin - Chicken, beef, rice, corn, high-quality cereals, refined animal fats, vegetable oils, dietary fibers, spirulina, fatty acids, organic calcium, amino acids, minerals, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, pantothenic acid calcium, niacin, natural condiment, protein zinc, protein manganese, protein iron, protein copper, taurine
Ayam, sapi, beras, jagung, sereal berkualitas tinggi, lemak hewani olahan, minyak nabati, serat makanan, spirulina, asam lemak, kalsium organik, asam amino, mineral, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, kalsium asam pantotenat, niacin, bumbu alami, seng protein, protein mangan, protein besi, protein tembaga, taurin - Chicken, beef, rice, corn, high-quality cereals, refined animal fats, vegetable oils, dietary fibers, spirulina, fatty acids, organic calcium, amino acids, minerals, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, pantothenic acid calcium, niacin, natural condiment, protein zinc, protein manganese, protein iron, protein copper, taurine
Ayam, daging sapi, beras, jagung, sereal berkualitas tinggi, lemak hewani olahan, minyak nabati, serat makanan, spirulina, asam lemak, kalsium organik, asam amino, mineral, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, kalsium asam pantotenat, niasin, bumbu alami, protein seng, protein mangan, protein besi, protein tembaga, taurin - Chicken, beef, rice, corn, high-quality cereals, refined animal fats, vegetable oils, dietary fibers, spirulina, fatty acids, organic calcium, amino acids, minerals, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, pantothenic acid calcium, niacin, natural condiment, protein zinc, protein manganese, protein iron, protein copper, taurine
Ayam, daging sapi, beras, jagung, sereal berkualitas tinggi, lemak hewani olahan, minyak nabati, serat makanan, spirulina, asam lemak, kalsium organik, asam amino, mineral, VA, VD3, VB1, VB6, kalsium asam pantotenat, niasin, bumbu alami, seng protein, protein mangan, protein besi, protein tembaga, taurin - This product contains all the useful amino acids, minerals and many vitamins (groups B, E, A, PP). It regulates fat metabolism, reduces cholesterol, protects the liver from the formation of fat, improves the pancreas. Promotes longevity. Those over 50, noted its rejuvenating effect.
Produk ini mengandung semua asam amino, mineral dan banyak vitamin yang berguna (kelompok B, E, A, PP). Ini mengatur metabolisme lemak, mengurangi kolesterol, melindungi hati dari pembentukan lemak, meningkatkan pankreas. Mempromosikan umur panjang. Mereka yang berusia di atas 50 tahun, mencatat efek peremajaannya.