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acquire artinya

acquire artinya
  • I shall have to acquire some sons and grandsons.
    Aku harus segera memperoleh beberapa putra dan cucu.
  • Tell me, how did you acquire that stance? - I
    Katakan, bagaimana kau mendapatkan jurus seperti itu?
  • I would very much like to acquire those patents.
    Aku sangat ingin untuk memperoleh hak paten tersebut.
  • Perhaps I should acquire one of those tablets.
    Mungkin aku harus membeli salah satu dari tablet itu.
  • We only acquire humans that haven't been simulated!
    Kami hanya memperoleh manusia yang belum disimulasikan!
  • You agreed to help us acquire a ship.
    Anda setuju untuk membantu kami mendapatkan kapal.
  • Who is it for? And when did your brother acquire taste?
    Sejak kapan adikmu punya selera bagus?
  • I'll just have to acquire your company by other means.
    Aku akan mendapatkan perusahaanmu dengan cara lain.
  • So we can acquire sensitive materials and hide them.
    Jadi kami bisa memperoleh bahan sensitif dan menyembunyikannya.
  • Will there be another opportunity to acquire the Darkhold?
    Apa ada kesempatan lain merebut Darkhold?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5