Masuk Daftar

by the time artinya

by the time artinya
  • By the time we realized that Megan had Pompe,
    Pada saat kami menyadari bahwa Megan Pompe,
  • By the time he is discovered, we will be free.
    Saat dia ditemukan. kita sudah bebas.
  • By the time the cia has a technology vetted,
    Pada saat CIA telah teknologi diperiksa ,
  • By the time I've explained, we'd both be dead!
    Saat kujelaskan kita berdua sudah mati !
  • By the time I'm debriefed, Frost will be gone.
    Saat aku melakukan itu, Frost sudah pergi.
  • Have this door open by the time we get back.
    Buka pintu ini saat kita kembali.
  • They were both here by the time we arrived.
    Mereka berdua di sini ketika kami datang.
  • By the time they realize, I will have escaped.
    Pada saat mereka menyadari, aku akan lari.
  • And, by the time he Stauton caught up to us.
    Dan, saat Stauton mulai mencurigai kami.
  • By the time I was 21 My plan was simple.
    Ketika umurku 21 tahun, rencanaku sederhana.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5