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common sense artinya

common sense artinya
  • You learn everything at the universities except common sense.
    Anda mempelajari semuanya di universitas kecuali akal sehat.
  • What good would common sense for it do
    ? What good would common sense for it do
  • A simple matter of taste and common sense.
    Perkara sederhana akan rasa dan akal sehat.
  • It seems like such a clear-cut, common sense type thing.
    Hal ini terlihat sudah jelas.
  • Their idea of common sense really is different than ours.
    Gaya hidup kita berdua berbeda.
  • Such lack of common sense Mr. Asahina is quite good
    Rasanya aneh. Pak Asahina sebenarnya cukup bagus.
  • Because he talks about common sense.
    Karena dia berbicara yang masuk akal di depan umum.
  • You always put emotion ahead of good, old-fashioned common sense.
    Kalian selalu mendahulukan emosi daripada pikiran sehat.
  • So you're saying that I lack common sense!
    Jadi menurutmu Aku tak punya akal sehat?
  • It's common sense that we'd get struck by lightning
    Ini masuk akal bahwa kita akan tersambar kilat.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5