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dartmouth college artinya

dartmouth college artinya
  • While a professor at Dartmouth College, Jon provided the musician's input for the design of the Synclavier? I.
    Sementara seorang profesor di Dartmouth College, Jon disediakan musisi 's masukan untuk desain Synclavier? saya.
  • Receiving his gymnasium diploma from the Lyceum of Kuopio in 1959, he then studied philosophy and literature at Dartmouth College for one year on a Fulbright scholarship.
    Ia mendapatkan ijazah gimnasiumnya dari SMA Kuopio pada 1959, lalu belajar filsafat dan sastra di Dartmouth College selama satu tahun.
  • Arias has received over fifty honorary degrees, including doctorates from Harvard University, Princeton University, Dartmouth College, Oberlin College, Wake Forest University, Ithaca College and Washington University in St. Louis.
    Arias telah menerima sekitar 50 gelar kehormatan, termasuk gelar doktor dari Universitas Harvard, Universitas Princeton, Dartmouth College, Oberlin College dan Universitas Washington, St. Louis.
  • The original BASIC was invented in 1963 by John George Kemeny and Thomas Eugene Kurtz at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire to provide computer access to non-science students.
    BASIC pertama kali dikembangkan pada tahun 1963 oleh John George Kemeny dan Thomas Eugene Kurtz yang berasal dari Dartmouth College, untuk mengizinkan akses terhadap komputer bagi para mahasiswa jurusan selain jurusan ilmu eksakta.
  • He was a professor of physics at MIT for 35 years before moving to Dartmouth College in 1956 and is best known for co-authoring University Physics, an introductory physics textbook, with Mark Zemansky.
    Dia adalah seorang profesor fisika di MIT selama 35 tahun sebelum pindah ke Dartmouth College pada tahun 1956 dan terkenal karena penulisan yang sering muncul menyadap buku pengantar fisika bersama Mark Zemansky, sering disebut sebagai Sears dan Zemansky.
  • Sarah Allan, a sinologist at Dartmouth College, stressed the significance of the circa 305 BC date when the bamboo manuscripts were buried, about 100 years before Qin Shi Huang conducted a "literary holocaust" with the (213–210 BC) burning of books and burying of scholars.
    Sarah Allan, seorang ahli saraf di Dartmouth College, menekankan pentingnya tanggal sekitar tahun 305 SM tanggal ketika naskah bambu dikuburkan, sekitar 100 tahun sebelum Qin Shi Huang melakukan "pembuahan sastra" dengan (213-210 SM) pembakaran buku dan penguburan ulama.
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