directorship artinya
- While at Harvard, Woodward took on the directorship of the Woodward Research Institute, based at Basel, Switzerland, in 1963.
Pada tahun 1963, ia menjadi direktur Lembaga Penelitian Woodward di Basel, Swiss. - Employees shall not hold directorship in non-TBLA Companies without prior approval of the Board of Directors
Karyawan tidak memegang jabatan direktur di perusahaan non-TBLA tanpa persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari Direksi - Reverse directorship search, aimed at identifying an individual’s potential involvement in private companies as a director or a shareholder;
Reverse directorship search, yang ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi keterlibatan seseorang dalam perusahaan swasta sebagai direktur atau pemegang saham; - ITM received CG Award in the category of “Best Responsibility of the Boards” from the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship.
ITM meraih Corporate Governance Award untuk kategori Best Responsibility of the Board dari Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship. - PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk. received CG Award in the category of Best Non-Financial Sector IICD–Asean CG Scorecard from the Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD).
PT Indo Tambangraya Megah Tbk received Third Best GCG Implementation of the Year 2014 from Business Review Magazine. - Galactic Authorities continue their investigation into what they've classified as an Extinction Level Event on a Hab-1 world under the directorship of The Mikkei Combine.
Otoritas Galaksi meneruskan penyelidikan mereka dengan apa.... yang mereka sebut sebagai Peristiwa Tingkat Kepunahan.... pada planet Hab-1, di bawah.... jabatan direktur dari Mikkei Combine. - Adira Finance is included in the Top 50 Issuers with the highest CG scores in the 6th Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) event in 2014.
Adira Finance masuk ke dalam Top 50 Emiten dengan skor CG tertinggi dalam ajang 6th Indonesian Institute for Corporate Directorship (IICD) tahun 2014. - In 1955, Stone gave up his Directorship at the department as he was appointed as the P.D. Leake Chair of Finance and Accounting at Cambridge (emeritus from 1980).
Tahun 1955 Stone melepaskan jabatan direkturnya di departemen setelah ia ditunjuk sebagai Dekan Keuangan dan Akuntansi di Cambridge (emeritus dari tahun 1980). - Bakels initially had intended to step down from the MPO music directorship prior to 2005, after James Judd had been named the MPO's next music director in September 2003.
Bakels awalnya berniat mundur dari jabatan tersebut pada masa sebelumnya, setelah James Judd dipilih menjadi direktur musik MPO berikutnya pada September 2003. - ITM received Best Disclosure and Transparency in the event of 4th IICD Corporate Governance Award organized by Indonesian Institute of Corporate Directorship, in cooperation with Investor magazine.
TM menerima Best Disclosure and Transparency diraih pada 4th IICD Corporate Governance Award oleh Indonesian Institute of Corporate Directorship, bekerja sama dengan Majalah Investor.
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