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face artinya

face artinya
  • Then I can face a duel in high spirits.
    Agar aku bisa bertarung dengan penuh semangat
  • Moses, it would be death to look upon his face.
    Musa, orang bisa mati melihat wajahNya.
  • I was face to face with them as they rode toward me.
    Aku berhadapan dengan mereka.
  • I was face to face with them as they rode toward me.
    Aku berhadapan dengan mereka.
  • All you have to face is a sheriff, a marshal.
    Kalian hanya harus menghadapi sherif, marsekal.
  • She was beaten up on that side of her face.
    Dia dipukuli di sisi kanan wajahnya.
  • Don't say another word, or I'll slap your face.
    Jangan katakan apa-apa lagi, Atau kutampar kau.
  • Number 2 company, right face! - Number 3 company, fall in.
    Kompi 2, Hadap ke depan!
  • He didn't want his favorite general to lose face.
    Dia tak mau jenderal favoritnya kehilangan muka.
  • Let me take an eyelash off your face.
    Izinkan saya mengambil bulu mata off muka kamu.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5