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fortification artinya

fortification artinya
  • A bunker is a defensive military fortification.
    Bunker adalah sejenis bangunan pertahanan militer.
  • He also built many of the gates and fortifications in Cairo.
    Dia juga membangun banyak gerbang dan benteng di Kairo.
  • The general responsibility for the fortification work was given to Augustin Ehrensv?rd.
    Tanggung jawab pembangunan benteng diserahkan kepada Augustin Ehrensv?rd.
  • FromNorthCapetothePyreneesranges the world's largest fortification .
    DariNorthCapekePyreneesygmerupakan benteng terbesar di dunia.
  • It is now August and the fortifications still have not been completed.
    Sekarang sudah bulan Agustus dan fortifikasi masih belum selesai.
  • It is at this time that the fortifications underlying Oudenburg were built up.
    Pada saat inilah benteng-benteng yang mendasari Oudenburg dibangun.
  • They agreed to surrender weapons, destroy fortifications, and give up hostages.
    Mereka sepakat untuk menyerahkan senjata, menghancurkan benteng, dan melepaskan sandera.
  • Soviet Field Fortifications 1941–45.
    Soviet Field Fortifications 1941–45 (dalam bahasa Inggris).
  • The Dutch retreated and entrenched themselves in fortifications on the coast.
    Belanda kemudian mundur dan berkubu dalam benteng di pinggir pantai.
  • The Wei troops used the opportunity to strengthen their fortifications and defences.
    Pasukan Wei menggunakan kesempatan untuk memperkuat benteng dan pertahanan mereka.
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