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fuel artinya

fuel artinya
  • To the right is fuel gauge. You watch the fuel gauge.
    Meteran bahan bakarnya di kanan.
  • To the right is fuel gauge. You watch the fuel gauge.
    Meteran bahan bakarnya di kanan.
  • Take two liters out of each fuel tank.
    Ambil dua liter dari setiap tangki bahan bakar.
  • Yeah, and a stand-alone fuel management system.
    Yeah, dan yang berdiri sendiri bahan bakar sistem manajemen.
  • We don't have enough fuel to feed the fires.
    Tak cukup bahan bakar untuk menyalakan api.
  • There's power in the fuel cells, we're just not connecting.
    Sel bahan bakarnya tidak bisa terhubung.
  • And obsession... with detective stories had fueled fantasies.
    Dan obsesi... dengan cerita detektif sudah mengisi fantasiku.
  • 750lbs. of torque with sequential module port fuel injection.
    750lbs. dengan rangkaian modul putaran injeksi penuh.
  • I recalculated the fuel. It'll cost them nine percent.
    Aku menghitung bensin, bisa menghabiskan 9% nya.
  • We have to find our own fuel source.
    Kita harus mencari sumber bahan bakar kita sendiri.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5