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furlough artinya

furlough artinya
  • In exchange for that, we're going to furlough you right out of here.
    Sebagai ganti, kau dapat bebas sementara.
  • Tried to get you furloughed, but, uh, your mom squashed it.
    Mencoba supaya kau di ringankan, tapi ibumu menggagalkan itu.
  • So, you have requested to be furloughed.
    Jadi, kamu minta harus furloughed.
  • I'm on a weekend furlough from prison.
    Aku sedang berlibur dari penjara.
  • Your furlough ends when the clock strikes.
    Cutimu berakhir saat jam berhenti
  • After taking me off furlough and sending me to this godforsaken place?
    Setelah merampas cutiku dan mengirimku ke tempat.. terkutuk ini?
  • I got you a 24-hour furlough.
    Kau punya waktu 24 jam.
  • I got to take furlough just to get my hair cut.
    Aku harus mengambil cuti hanya untuk mendapatkan rambut saya dipotong.
  • Don't be intimidated. All Team Alpha members have returned from furlough.
    Tak perlu gugup, kami sedang dalam misi Tim Alpha sekarang.
  • I'll furlough five of my worst sodomites for a play date with sweet Katrina.
    Aku rela mengorbankan apapun demi berkencan dengan Katrina.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5