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hmas artinya

hmas artinya
  • HMAS Teal whilst conducting patrols of the Singapore Strait intercepted two Indonesian sampans off Borneo at night.
    HMAS Teal menyergap dua sampan Indonesia saat sedang berpatroli di Selat Singapura pada malam hari.
  • HMAS Assail (P 89) was an Attack class patrol boat of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).
    Ia dahulunya adalah HMAS Assail (P-89) sebuah kapal patroli Kelas Attack milik Royal Australia Navy (RAN).
  • The Royal Australian Navy sloop HMAS Yarra defended the convoy for an hour and half, but was sunk.
    Kapal Jaga dari Angkatan Laut Australia HMAS Yarra, mempertahankan konvoi selama sejam lebih, namun tenggelam.
  • HMAS Hawk was attacked by an Indonesian shore battery while operating within Singapore territorial waters on 13 March 1966.
    HMAS Hawk diserang oleh tentara dari pantai Indonesia saat beroperasi di wilayah perairan Singapura pada 13 Maret 1966.
  • Burrell took charge of the RAN's latest Tribal-class destroyer, HMAS Bataan, at her commissioning in Sydney on 25 May 1945.
    Burrell mengambil alih kapal perusak Tribal-class terakhir RAN, HMAS Bataan, saat ditugaskan di Sydney pada 25 May 1945.
  • The third submarine attempted to torpedo the heavy cruiser USS Chicago, but instead sank the converted ferry HMAS Kuttabul, killing 21 sailors.
    Kapal selam ketiga berusaha meluncurkan torpedo terhadap kapal USS Chicago, namun justru menenggelamkan HMAS Kuttabul, menewaskan 21 pelaut.
  • Posted to Britain, Burrell was appointed commanding officer of the newly commissioned N-class destroyer HMAS Norman on 15 September 1941.
    Ditempatkan di Inggris, Burrell ditugaskan sebagai commanding officer di komisi baru yaitu N-class di kapal perusak HMAS Norman pada 15 September 1941.
  • From October 1948 to the end of 1949, Burrell served as commanding officer of the heavy cruiser HMAS Australia, flagship of the RAN.
    Dari Oktober 1948 sampai akhir 1949, Burrell ditugaskan sebagai komandan dari Kapal Penjelajah Berat HMAS Australia, Kapal Induk dari RAN.
  • He captained the light aircraft carrier HMAS Vengeance in 1953–54, and was twice Flag Officer of the Australian Fleet, in 1955–56 and 1958.
    Ia menjadi kapten kapal induk kecil HMAS Vengeance pada 1953-54, dan dua kali Commander Australian Fleet, di 1955-56 dan 1958.
  • The light cruiser HMAS Perth and the heavy cruiser USS Houston had retreated to Tanjong Priok, the port of the capital, Batavia, in the west of the island.
    HMAS Perth dan USS Houston telah mundur ke Tanjong Priok, pelabuhan ibukota, Batavia, di barat pulau.
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