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importer artinya

importer artinya
  • I'm a rag importer, we got a little business on the side.
    Aku importir kain, kita punya bisnis kecil di samping.
  • García was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, the daughter of a wealthy importer.
    García dilahirkan di Barranquilla, Kolombia, putri seorang importir kaya.
  • Martindale was a major heroin importer.
    Martindale adalah importer heroin.
  • In 2011 it remained the third largest exporter and third largest importer.
    Tahun 2011, Jerman merupakan eksportir dan importir terbesar ketiga dunia.
  • An importer named Alfred Ryan.
    Diketahui bernama Alfred Ryan.
  • He's a boring pen importer. He does the same routine every day.
    Dia itu hanya pengimpor pulpen, setiap hari melakukan hal yg sama.
  • B2B Indian importer portals fascinating results online!
    B2B Portal pengimport India yang menarik hasil secara online!
  • Matsubo Corporation - Industrial Machinery Importer in Jakarta
    Matsubo Corporation - Importir Mesin Industri di Jakarta
  • SK Fresh Indonesia Fresh Fruit Importer, Wholesale and Distributor.
    SK Fresh Indonesia, Importir,Grosir,dan Distributor Buah Segar
  • (2). Business License copy of Manufacturer or Importer.
    (2). izin usaha salinan produsen atau importir.
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