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poker artinya

poker artinya
  • She still thinks a got a poker game, that's it.
    Dia masih mengira, aku bermain poker.
  • Would you shut the fuck up about the goddamn poker?
    Bisakah kau berhenti berbicara tentang besi?
  • Look, there's poker and then there's suicide.
    Dengar, ini poker dan yang ini adalah bunuh diri.
  • You wanna play strip poker, I'll play strip poker.
    Ingin bermain strip poker? Aku akan bermain.
  • You wanna play strip poker, I'll play strip poker.
    Ingin bermain strip poker? Aku akan bermain.
  • Argentinians know plenty, but not about poker.
    Orang Argetina tahu banyak, tapi tidak dalam hal poker.
  • Listen, there's this poker game we got going on.
    Dengar, ada permainan poker yang kami hadiri.
  • We missed you at the poker game last night.
    Kami merindukanmu di permainan poker tadi malam.
  • There's a poker game with the Chief of Staff there.
    Di sanalah Kepala Staf bermain poker.
  • So, we missed you for, poker, uh, last week.
    Kami merindukanmu main poker, eh, pekan lalu.
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