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retreat artinya

retreat artinya
  • The 6th Army then retreated to the Oppy–Méricourt line.
    Pasukan Jerman kemudian mundur ke garis Oppy-Méricourt.
  • Amalaric retreated to Barcelona, where he was assassinated.
    Amalarik mundur ke Barcelona, di mana dia dibunuh.
  • But after some months they had to retreat.
    Namun sayangnya beberapa bulan kemudian ia mengundurkan diri.
  • He was defeated and hastily retreated to the fort.
    Ia dikalahkan dan buru-buru mundur ke benteng.
  • If the enemy's retreating in any order, which we'll assume--
    Jika musuh mundur yang sebaiknya kita asumsikan
  • Retreat. I want to talk to the highest ranked.
    Mundur saya ingin berbicara kepada atasanmu.
  • If the Beggars Clan don't retreat now, we will kill without mercy!
    Biarpun "Gembel" tidak ada ampun!
  • Currently alerting other R-experiments subjects to retreat.
    Dan IA memperingati EKSPERIMEN R lainnya untuk MUNDUR!
  • Now do as I say and sound the retreat!
    Sekarang lakukan perintahku dan tarik mundur.
  • Taught never to retreat, never to surrender.
    Diajarkan Untuk Tidak Pernah Mundur, Tidak Pernah Menyerah.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5