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rockefeller foundation artinya

rockefeller foundation artinya
  • The Group of Thirty was founded in 1978 by Geoffrey Bell at the initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation, which also provided initial funding for the body.
    Group of Thirty didirikan tahun 1978 oleh Geoffrey Bell atas inisiatif Rockefeller Foundation, pemasok dana awal organisasi ini.
  • Primary sponsors of the World Food Prize include the Government of the State of Iowa, The Iowa Economic Development Authority, The John Ruan Foundation Trust, and the Rockefeller Foundation.
    Sponsor utama Penghargaan Pangan Dunia adalah Pemerintah Negara Bagian Iowa, Otoritas Pengembangan Ekonomi Iowa, The John Ruan Foundation Trust, dan the Rockefeller Foundation.
  • After securing financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation, Kinsey and his research assistants, including his closest assistant, Clyde Martin, travel the country, interviewing subjects about their sexual histories.
    Setelah mendapatkan dukungan keuangan dari Yayasan Rockefeller, Alfred dan asisten penelitiannya, termasuk asisten terdekatnya, Clyde Martin (Peter Sarsgaard), melakukan perjalanan keliling negara, mewawancarai beberapa orang tentang sejarah seksual mereka.
  • While there, he received a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation to study at Yale University, where he received M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics in 1958 and 1959, respectively.
    Saat berada di sana, ia memperoleh hibah dari Yayasan Rockefeller untuk mengenyam pendidikan di Universitas Yale, dan di situ ia memperoleh gelar M.A. dan Ph.D. dalam bidang ekonomi pada tahun 1958 dan 1959.
  • Oxfam and Swiss Re, together with Rockefeller Foundation, are helping farmers like this one build hillside terraces and find other ways to conserve water, but they're also providing for insurance when the droughts do come.
    Oxfam dan Swiss Re, bersama dengan Yayasan Rockefeller membantu para petani seperti ini membangun teras-teras di sisi bukit dan mencari cara lain untuk menyimpan air, dan juga sebagai jaminan saat terjadi kekeringan.
  • From then to 1935 he published a number of papers on diffusion and adsorption in naturally occurring base-exchanging zeolites, and these studies continued during a year's visit to H.S. Taylor's laboratory in Princeton with support of a Rockefeller Foundation fellowship.
    Hingga tahun 1935 ia menerbitkan sejumlah karya ilmiah tentang difusi dan adsorpsi pada zeolit, dan studi tersebut dilanjutkan selama kunjungan setahun ke laboratorium H.S. Taylor di Princeton dengan dukungan Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship.
  • In 2007, Nicolas Guilhot (a senior research associate of CNRS) wrote in Critical Sociology that the Open Society Foundations serve to perpetuate institutions that reinforce the existing social order, as the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation have done before them.
    Pada tahun 2007, Nicolas Guilhot (peneliti senior dari French National Centre for Scientific Research) menulis dalam Critical Sociology bahwa OSF berperan mengabadikan institusi yang memperkuat tatanan sosial yang ada, seperti yang telah dilakukan yayasan-yayasan terdahulu Ford Foundation dan Rockefeller Foundation.
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