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rocketed artinya

rocketed artinya
  • Sandhy’s music career skyrocketed when he won the contest at the prestigious international music festival, the New Wave Festival in Jurmala, Latvia, in 2009. Since then, his name began to be known and rocketed in Indonesia.
    Karier musik Sandhy semakin meroket ketika berhasil memenangi kontes di ajang festival musik internasional bergengsi, Festival New Wave di Jurmala, Latvia, pada 2009. Sejak saat itu, namanya mulai dikenal dan menanjak naik di Indonesia.
  • The shorter-duration treasury yields rocketed, as June Fed rate hike bets swelled after the Fed noted that the Q1 GDP weakness was transitory, while adding that inflation is running close to 2% goal. The Fed also acknowledged the continued improved in the labor market.
    Hasil treasury yang lebih pendek-durasi meroket, karena taruhan kenaikan suku bunga Fed bulan Juni membengkak setelah the Fed mencatat bahwa kelemahan GDP Q1 bersifat sementara, sambil menambahkan inflasi mendekati nol 2. The Fed juga mengakui terus membaiknya pasar tenaga kerja.
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