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slavic artinya

slavic artinya
  • Radoald knew the Slavic language and induced them to depart.
    Radoaldo dapat memahami Bahasa Slavik mendorong mereka pergi.
  • Common Slavic belief indicates a stark distinction between soul and body.
    Kepercayaan Slavia sangat membedakan arwah dan tubuh.
  • Kroc's has that blunt Slavic sound.
    Kroc kedengaran seperti suara orang Slavic bodoh.
  • Levedi bore the title "voivode", which is of Slavic origin.
    Levedi memiliki gelar "voivode", yang berasal dari bahasa Slavia.
  • Morning, Janine, you're looking very Slavic.
    Pagi, Janine, kau terlihat sangat Slavic.
  • She said her name was Helena. She had an accent, Slavic.
    Dia mengatakan namanya Helena dan dia memiliki aksen, Slavia.
  • This tradition has lived in the hearts of the Slavic people.
    Tradisi kuno ini telah ada dalam jiwa para Slav.
  • But the language has a Slavic root.
    Tapi bahasanya mirip bahasa Slavia.
  • For all those reasons, the Slavic incursions in the Balkans continued.
    Untuk semua alasan itu, serangan Slavia di Balkan berlanjut.
  • Cyril also invented the Glagolitic alphabet, suitable for Slavic languages.
    Kiril juga menemukan alfabet Glagolitik, yang cocok untuk bahasa Slavia.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5