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the fuel artinya

the fuel artinya
  • He cut the line to the fuel transfer hoses.
    Dia memotong saluran. Untuk mengalihkan bahan bakar.
  • Again, much cheaper than buying the fuel.
    Sekali lagi, ini lebih murah dari pada membeli bahan bakar.
  • The fuel is on its way like I promised.
    Bahan bakar dalam perjalanan seperti aku berjanji .
  • Get in here! A.J.'s stuck in the fuel pod!
    A.J. terjebak di kapsul bahan bakar!
  • We got sparks and fire in the fuel pod.
    Ada percikan api dikapsul bahan bakar.
  • They got the fire sealed in the fuel pod.
    apinya terkunci di kapsul bahan bakar.
  • They crashed because the fuel in their lines froze.
    Mereka jatuh karena saluran bahan bakar yang membeku.
  • Have Viktor check the fuel in the generators.
    Suruh Viktor memeriksa bahan bakar di generator.
  • So, inner happiness actually is the fuel of success.
    Jadi, kebahagiaan batin sebenarnya adalah bahan bakar sukses.
  • The fuel is not draining. He stopped being emptied.
    Pompa bahan bakar berhenti, pompanya berhenti
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5