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chicago artinya

chicago artinya
  • Let's go to Chicago and make some money.
    Mari kita pergi ke Chicago dan membuat uang.
  • My blog had more hits than the Chicago Mob.
    Blog ku punya lebih daripada Chicago Mob.
  • So, what are you doing here in Chicago following me?
    Jadi, mengapa kamu di chicago mengikutiku?
  • Armed robberies occurred today in the Chicago area.
    Perampokan bersenjata terjadi hari ini di daerah Chicago.
  • Rachel had to go to chicago for the weekend,
    Rachel harus pergi ke chicago selama sepekan,
  • We pulled this off a Chicago city surveillance Cam.
    Kami mendapatkan ini dari CCTV kota Chicago.
  • He now works out of his parish near Chicago.
    Sekarang dia bekerja di Parokinya, dekat Chicago.
  • There is a ring of alien ships around Chicago.
    Ada cincin kapal asing di sekitar Chicago.
  • I remember the first time I ran into Chicago.
    Aku ingat saat pertama kali ke Chicago.
  • I mean, is there someone sick in Chicago?
    Maksudku, apakah ada seseorang yang sakit di Chicago?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5