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converging artinya

converging artinya
  • We're converging on Perez... but we have a couple of options.
    Kami berkumpul di Perez ... tapi kami memiliki beberapa pilihan.
  • I am acutely aware of the pressures converging on His Magnificence.
    Aku sepenuhnya sadar akan tekanan yang bertumpuk pada Yang Mulia.
  • All units converging on that point on the crest of that ridge.
    Semua unit berkumpul di titik itu di puncak bukit itu.
  • I need ESU, all squad cars converging on these four locations.
    Aku perlu ESU, semua mobil patroli berkumpul di empat lokasi tersebut.
  • Tangos converging from all sides.
    Musuh muncul dari segala arah.
  • The Chinese are still converging.
    Orang-orang Cina masih berkumpul.
  • The convoys are converging.
    Konvoi bertemu di satu tempat.
  • Law enforcement converging on location.
    penegakhukum berkumpul di lokasi.
  • Professional Exercise Equipment Converging Shoulder Press Contact Now
    Peralatan Latihan Profesional Converging Shoulder Press Hubungi sekarang
  • Professional Gym Equipment Converging Shoulder Press Contact Now
    Peralatan Gym Profesional Converging Shoulder Press Hubungi sekarang
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