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electrify artinya

electrify artinya
  • They kept repeating the test, always with the same objects electrified.
    Mereka tetap mengulangi test, selalu dengan objek listrik yang sama.
  • We must keep the atmosphere electrified!
    Atmosfir harus dijaga tetap berlistrik!
  • I'm telling you smoke on the water This chick was electrified
    Kukatakan padamu, merokok dalam air, wanita ini seperti tersengat listrik
  • It's not the end of New Hebrides Lewis. This is an electrified line down here.
    Di sini, pasti ada jalur listriknya.
  • Aren't the obelisks electrified, too?
    Bukankah tugunya di aliri listrik, juga?
  • And this fence is electrified, I assume.
    Sepertinya ini pagar listrik.
  • The entire railway is electrified at 15 kV 16.7 Hz AC.
    Seluruh jalur terelektrifikasi pada 15 kV ?16 2?3 Hz AC.
  • Some of the objects were electrified.
    Beberapa objeck mengandung listrik.
  • Little Walter getting electrified!
    Little Walter mendapatkan suara elektrik !
  • In a pool of electrified water,
    Dalam kolam air berlistrik,..
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5