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exported artinya

exported artinya
  • Tonight 10,000 inhalers are being exported
    Malam ini 10.000 inhaler akan diekspor.
  • The Honda Civic Hybrid was exported to China from 2007.
    Honda Civic Hybrid juga diekspor ke China mulai tahun 2007.
  • Much of this was exported to Europe.
    Buahnya sebagian diekspor ke Eropa.
  • The rest was exported to Batavia.
    Panembahan Purbaya dihukum buang ke Batavia.
  • Incense and perfumes were exported from the ports of Thana and Saimur.
    Dupa dan bau-bauan diekspor dari pelabuhan Thana dan Saimur.
  • About 700 were produced, including a number exported to Cyprus.
    Sekitar 700 unit akhirnya diproduksi, termasuk sejumlah kecil diekspor ke Siprus.
  • The Spanish car maker exported them to a number of countries worldwide.
    Tanaman pecut kuda terdistribusi ke beberapa negara di dunia.
  • Exported to China in 2004.
    Dipasarkan di Cina pada tahun 2011.
  • Much of the world's teak is exported by Indonesia and Myanmar.
    Sebagian besar kebutuhan kayu jati dunia dipasok oleh Indonesia dan Myanmar.
  • As such, they are restricted in transfer and may not be exported.
    Karena itu, mereka dibatasi dalam perpindahan dan tidak boleh diekspor.
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