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graduate from artinya

graduate from artinya
  • Since it's Haesung Hospital, did you graduate from Myungin University?
    Karena ini adalah RS. Haesung, apa kau alumni Universitas Myungin?
  • The people who graduate from prestigious schools, are they all high-class?
    Apa lulus dari perguruan tinggi bergengsi membuat seseorang lebih unggul?
  • Did you graduate from LA, too?
    Kau juga lulusan dari LA?
  • Or you'll be the first Wilder who fails to graduate from Coolidge.
    Atau kau menjadi Wilder pertama yang gagal lulus di Coolidge.
  • Graduate from high school, that's it
    Cukup lulus SMA saja
  • I must graduate from school.
    Aku harus lulus dari sekolah.
  • But she is an officer, a graduate from the Korea Military Academy.
    Dan Myeong Ju adalah perwira, lulusan dari Akademi Militer Korea.
  • Did you graduate from Stanford?
    Apa kau tamatan Stanford?
  • Many students graduate from Sendagaya fulfilling their dreams.
    Banyak siswa lulusan Sekolah Bahasa Jepang Sendagaya yang berhasil mewujudkan impiannya.
  • Even people who are graduate from the same school have different abilities.
    Bahkan orang-orang yang lulus dari sekolah yang sama memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda.
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