inexcusable artinya
- But, the fact that one of them climbed through the kitchen window and eat all my notes on the female Ontophagus sagittarius, and how it copulates with its horns that is inexcusable.
Tapi faktanya adalah... mereka masuk melalui jendela dan memakan catatanku... tentang akhir pengamatan dari sagittarius Ontophagus , itu berarti... itu dapat dimaafkan. - On 4 November 2016, following the recent meetings in German parliament on the topic; Justice Minister Bekir Bozda? of Turkey has openly criticized Germany's handling of the inexcusable hatred crimes against people of different-origin, mainly Turks.
Pada tanggal 4 November 2016, usai sidang parlemen Jerman yang membahas persoalan ini, Menteri Kehakiman Turki, Bekir Bozda?, secara terbuka mengkritik penanganan kejahatan kebencian terhadap masyarakat keturunan asing, terutama keturunan Turki. - “Polluted air is poisoning millions of children and ruining their lives,” says Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “This is inexcusable. Every child should be able to breathe clean air so they can grow and fulfil their full potential.”
"Udara yang tercemar meracuni jutaan anak-anak dan menghancurkan hidup mereka," kata Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Direktur Jenderal WHO. “Ini tidak bisa dimaafkan. Setiap anak harus dapat menghirup udara bersih sehingga mereka dapat tumbuh dan memenuhi potensi penuh mereka. ”
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