intelligent design artinya
- Home ProductsSolar Power Inverterfull-digital intelligent design high efficiency all-in-one hybrid solar charge inverter
Rumah Produktenaga surya inverterdesain cerdas digital-penuh efisiensi tinggi all-in-one hybrid solar charge inverter - Intelligent design Intelligent control, touch operation, visual interfaces, Easy to learn, safe and convenient.
desain cerdas Kontrol cerdas, operasi sentuh, antarmuka visual, Mudah untuk belajar, aman dan nyaman. - I read it three or four times and I think, "Is he really endorsing Intelligent Design?
Saya membacanya tiga atau empat kali dan saya berpikir, "Apa dia benar-benar mendukung Rancangan Cerdas? - In fact, Harun Yahya's website was listed as an "Islamic intelligent design" website by the Discovery Institute.
Saking miripnya, situs Adnan Oktar didata sebagai situs web 'rancangan cerdas Islami' oleh Discovery Institute. - Junhe Injector Precision Spray Line automatic loading and unloading Patented products, intelligent design, energy saving
Junhe Injector Precision Spray Line pemuatan dan pembongkaran otomatis Produk yang dipatenkan, desain cerdas, hemat energi - The intelligent design concept of "specified complexity" was developed in the 1990s by mathematician, philosopher, and theologian William A. Dembski.
Konsep "kerumitan spesisk" dikembangkan pada tahun 1990-an oleh matematikawan, filsuf, dan teolog William Dembski. - 3. Intelligent design software is installed, could help to process fast, save materials, make design files easily.
3. Perangkat lunak perancangan cerdas dipasang, bisa membantu proses cepat, menghemat bahan, membuat file desain dengan mudah. - Junhe brake disc spraying coating and heating line high efficient With Independent R&D, intelligent design, energy-savin
Lapisan penyemprotan rem cakram Junhe dan jalur pemanas efisien tinggi Dengan R&D & Independen, desain cerdas, hemat energi - If you understand Orgel's Second Rule, then you understand why the Intelligent Design movement is basically a hoax.
Bila Anda memahami Hukum Kedua Orgel, maka Anda mengerti mengapa pergerakan Rancangan Cerdas pada dasarnya adalah sebuah tipuan. - He was a co-author of the "Wedge strategy", which put forth the Discovery Institute's manifesto for the intelligent design movement.
Ia adalah salah satu pengarang "Wedge strategy", yang menuangkan manifesto Discovery Institute bagi gerakan intelligent design.
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